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Georgia Tech Police Department
The Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) is an accredited law enforcement agency. It operates 24/7/365 with a staff of more than 100, including many Georgia Tech students. Certified police officers and civilian public safety officers are dedicated to keeping the campus safe by being first responders to emergencies, proactively patrolling the campus, investigating criminal incidents and traffic accidents, and conducting free crime awareness and prevention programs.
The GTPD’s Office of Emergency Management is dedicated to preparing for and responding to emergencies that occur on campus by implementing the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The Emergency Management Division conducts threat and risk assessments and security audits, maintains the emergency action plan, assists with individual facility plans, and conducts realistic exercises to test plans. The division also coordinates emergency notification efforts (see GTENS below).
Registering your bicycle with GTPD is strongly recommended, and using a bike lock is a must. GTPD recommends a “U-shaped” lock, which can be purchased on campus at Barnes & Noble on Tech Square. When riding a bike in Georgia, remember that cyclists are required to follow the same laws as motor vehicle operators. Be a defensive driver, especially when you are in a bike lane and the car beside you plans on making a right turn at a stop sign or light.
Communicating with GTPD
We encourage you contact the GTPD directly to discuss your concerns. For general questions, please send an email to crimeprevention@police.gatech.edu; stop by the Department; or hail an officer. In an emergency, you can contact GTPD quickly through the free LiveSafe app, or by calling 404.894.2500. Note that 911 calls APD, not GTPD. Students are encouraged to download LiveSafe and program 404.894.2500 into their cell phones.
Emergency Notification System
The Institute utilizes a multi-channel Georgia Tech Emergency Notification System (GTENS) that enables the campus community to receive time-sensitive emergency messages in the form of e-mail, voicemail, and text. Every Georgia Tech e-mail address will receive emergency alerts automatically; however, you must sign up for text and voicemail alerts through Passport . Participants will only be contacted through the system in the event of an emergency; your information is considered confidential and will not be shared.
Additional emergency notification systems include the outdoor Siren Warning System, designed to alert the campus of an emergency situation. If a significant campus emergency occurs, updates will be shared via the Georgia Tech homepage and appropriate social media channels. You can also monitor threatening weather and other emergency situations by following GTPD’s Office of Emergency Management on Twitter @GTPDalerts so you can take appropriate action when necessary.
More information on the Institute’s emergency procedures are available at Emergency Information page, and at the Emergency Management and Communications page. When in doubt, call the Georgia Tech police at 404.894.2500.
Evening Transportation
More than 10,000 students live on campus in residence halls and on-campus Greek housing. For this reason, round-the-clock transportation options are vital. Check Stingerette Safety Shuttle & Paratransit page for the latest schedule for late night transportation options.
Generally, the Stingerette Safety Shuttle is available Monday through Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 3:15 a.m. Login to request a ride at the Stingerette page, then reserve a ride via smartphone app or computer.
If you feel unsafe, police escorts are available on request. Call 404-894-2500 or use the LiveSafe app.
For more information on safety tips and crime prevention classes, call GTPD Crime Prevention Unit at 404.218-2579, or visit the GTPD website. Year-to-date campus crime statistics are available on the GTPD webpage.
Campus safety and security is the responsibility of everyone – faculty, staff, and students! Use common sense, avoid areas where you may be unsafe, never leave your valuables unattended, and if you See Something, Say Something – call GTPD at 404.894.2500. Help us keep you safe!
Identity Theft
Go ahead and be suspicious if someone asks you for personal information on the phone, through the mail, or over the Internet unless you initiated the contact or are sure you know with whom you are dealing. Never give it out under time pressure. If you suspect that your personal information has been used to commit fraud or theft, take the following four steps right away: Review and place a fraud alert on your credit reports, close any accounts that have been tampered with or opened fraudulently, file a report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place, and file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. On campus, notify GTPD.
Laptop Thefts
Never leave your laptop unattended in an unlocked room or in a vehicle – not even for a few minutes to get a cup of coffee or go to the bathroom! If you must leave it in a vehicle, transfer it to the trunk, where it is out of sight. Do not store sensitive information on your laptop. Ask laptop manufacturers about security devices available for your laptop, and consider purchasing insurance.
Pedestrian Safety
Although you have the right of way when using a crosswalk, use common sense and always assume that the approaching driver, cyclist, or scooter is not paying attention or doesn’t see you. Being aware of vehicle, bicycle, scooter, and other traffic around you is critical for your safety. Avoid crossing busy campus streets with earphones in, talking on the phone, reading, texting, etc.
Safety Tips
See Something? Say Something.
If something doesn’t feel or look “right,” utilize the LiveSafe app to report suspicious behavior or hazards to GTPD, or call 404.894.2500 and an officer will respond. Anonymous reporting through LiveSafe is an option if you are uncomfortable leaving your name. Stay safe and let GTPD check it out. Attend one of the free safety programs offered by GTPD. The Self-Defense and Personal Safety 101 classes are very popular. Get a group together and request a class!
When Walking
Walk with others whenever possible. Avoid areas where there are tall shrubs or hedges and avoid shortcuts through wooded areas. Walk near the curb on the side of the street facing traffic when there is no sidewalk available. Avoid poorly lit streets, alleys, vacant lots, and parking areas, especially at night. Familiarize yourself with the bus routes and schedules and the Stingerette service. If transportation service is not available, call GTPD at 404.894.2500 for a safety escort to avoid walking alone at night.
When Driving
Always lock your car when entering or leaving it. Before getting into your car, look in the back seat to see if anyone is hiding there, even if you had locked the doors. Make sure there is gas in the tank and that your car is in good running condition. Lock your vehicle while pumping gas, and never leave your car running and unattended. If you have car trouble, raise the hood of the car and call for assistance. If you go for help or someone stops and offers help, be aware of your surroundings and ask the person to call GTPD. GTPD will assist students in instances of automobile failure on campus.
At Home
Safety measures in residence halls include outside doors that lock automatically. Keep the door to your room locked as well. If you live in a house or apartment, make certain the door is equipped with a peephole and a dead bolt lock with a one-inch throw. Request identification from anyone doing repair work and verify the identity of strangers before allowing them in.
If You Are Approached by a Suspicious or Armed Person – We advise you to comply with their request – don’t risk your life over loss of your property. Get to a safe place immediately and seek police assistance. There are more than 575 emergency “blue” phones located throughout the campus that will connect you with GTPD instantly, and many have cameras attached.
The most frequently reported crimes are those involving theft of personal or institutional property. Always secure your belongings and never leave them unattended. Keep a record of your valuables and engrave them when possible. Engraving is available at GTPD, free of charge.