Student Engagement & Well-Being provides a number of services to assist students with medical and personal emergencies. To access these services during regular business hours, students and/or their families may notify the office at (404) 894-2565. In the event of an after-hours emergency, individuals should contact the Georgia Tech Police Department at (404) 894-2500 and request that the “Dean on Call” be contacted. There is an emergency “Dean on Call” at all times to assist students in need.
Students often need assistance in making decisions about academic and personal matters. Our office can assist students with contacting their faculty and/or major department to resolve questions or concerns.The Office can also contact the many campus resources and other community services for assistance in arranging emotional or personal support for students.
For more information about our services you may also complete the Request Assistance Form. To refer a student to our office, please use the Referral Form.
Missing Classes for Personal Emergencies
Students may need to miss class due to personal emergencies such as being hospitalized or being in a car accident. The Office of the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair can assist students with documented emergencies by contacting professors on behalf of the student.
Failing Classes
Students may experience academic difficulties due to inadequate time management, poor study skills, learning disabilities, social distractions, substance abuse, or psychological problems. If you are having academic problems, contact the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair Office to discuss options to improve your academic performance.
Unable to Complete an Academic Term
Sometimes the most unexpected, challenging life events can occur at the end of the semester, just in time for completing final projects and taking exams. If this happens to you it may be best to consider requesting an incomplete grade option in a course. Your professor has sole discretion in this decision. He/She may request that the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair verify the need for the incomplete. They can also assist in making the request to the faculty if the student is unable to do so. In order to receive an incomplete, you must be passing the class. Remaining course work must be completed by the end of the term of the next semester you are enrolled.
Withdrawing from School
Some students find that due to the length of their recovery or impact of their personal emergency they are unable to make-up course work missed during the semester. In these cases, student may decide to withdraw from the Institute. The AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair Office can assist students in navigating the withdrawal process.
Report a Grievance
The Office of the Provost is the main contact to report violations of the "Dead Week" policy or other grievances. See the Office of the Provost website for more information.
The AVP for Student Life and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair Office offers emergency loans through the Dean Griffin Hip Pocket Fund. These loans are interest free and can be used for academic or personal matters. For more information, complete the Request Assistance Form.
The Financial Aid Office offers Emergency 30-Day Loans to students who need short-term assistance in paying tuition and fees, or cash loans up to $1,500 (not both). These loans are interest free, but do have a service fee assessed at the time of the delivery of the loan funds. The loan requires a cosigner. Students cannot borrow in successive terms of enrollment. For more information visit the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid website.
Services are available on campus to assist students with personal, medical, and emotional concerns. For more information about these services contact the Center for Mental Health Care & Resources, Stamp Health Services, Women's Resource Center or the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair Office.
Assistance in Contacting and Coordinating Family Needs
The AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair Office can serve as a contact point for families. Please feel free to contact us regarding any questions you have about policies, services, and special events. Parents and family members who are concerned about the well-being or success of their student are encouraged to contact our office for advice and support.