The term "domestic partnership" is defined as a committed, non-marital relationship between two adults. Students in a domestic partnership with another student or non-student must declare and verify* their partnership to enroll their partner for on-campus services.
Services include:
- BuzzCard
- Campus Recreation Center Membership
- Stamps Health Services/Student Health Insurance
- Ability to apply for Family Housing
How to Apply for Services
Declaring your partnership makes you eligible for services, but students are responsible for associated costs.
1. Request Assistance by filling the Public CARE Report Form found at the Student Engagement and Well-Being website.
- Reason for Visit: Appointment Request with Dean
- Information Summary: Request Domestic Partnership
- Upload supporting documentation as listed (Redact personal data such as account numbers, etc. on supporting documentation.)
2. You will be sent the application form via DocuSign
3. Fill out form and return via DocuSign
Final Note
*A qualifying domestic partnership agreement must meet criteria with proof of two pieces of documentation as listed on the declaration form.

Supporting Documentation
To substantiate the existence of such a relationship, the student is required to submit a copy of a current domestic partner registration certificate of any state or local government agency, a qualifying domestic partnership agreement, or any two (2) copies of the following:
- Joint deed, lease or mortgage
- Joint bank account
- Joint credit cards or bills
- Designation of partner as life insurance primary beneficiary
- Durable power of attorney or health care proxy given to the partner
- Last will and testament designating partner as primary beneficiary
- Designation of partner as retirement plan primary beneficiary
- Co-parenting agreement
- Adoption agreement
- Joint ownership of a motor vehicle