The Division of Student Life partners with the parents and family members of current students to provide support during the student's career at Georgia Tech. You can find basic information on how the Division partners with students on this page, however we would also encourage you to review information on the Georgia Tech Parent & Family Programs website for more engagement opportunities.
Hospitalizations & Emergencies
In the case of a student hospitalization or emergency, a parent or designated emergency contact will be contacted by the Office of the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair. During this phone call information might be limited, however the staff member will provide a general account of the incident, the hospital where the student was taken, and the information for the hospital (phone number, address, web site). Our staff will remain in contact with you to gather details and coordinate Institute resources as necessary.
Emergency Contact Information
Each student is required to register emergency contact information with the Institute through the web portal "BuzzPort." As parents and family members you are unable to access or update this information. Therefore, we ask that you work with your student to assure that the emergency contact information listed is accurate.
The Office of the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair should be contacted when your student does not sound like themselves, this can include, but is not limited to times of extreme stress, academic trouble, issues within a family affecting a student in their academic endeavors, or in the case of health problems or an incident which would impede their success at Tech.
You may contact us Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at (404) 894-2564. Outside of these hours, contact the Georgia Tech Police Department at (404) 894-2500.
*** When contacting the Office of the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair keep in mind that the Office does comply with FERPA regulations to protect student privacy.
Parents/guardians of students under the age of twenty-one may be notified when a student is found responsible for violating the Georgia Tech Student/Student Organization Alcohol and Other Drug Poliy when any of the following occur:
- Students endanger themselves or other students while under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Specific instances include DUI, fighting, alcohol poisoning, and hospitalization.
- When the Dean of Students determines that any future violations of the Institute's policy will most likely result in suspension from Georgia Tech.
- When a hearing officer determines that any future violations of the Institute's policy will likely result in removal from housing.
Parent Handbook
Talking with College Students About Alcohol
Adapted with permission from the Prevention Research Center at Pennsylvania State University.
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The Georgia Tech Parent & Family Programs office maintains contact information for parents and family members who register for their ParentNews and updates services.
Entering information into these services has many benefits, including supplemental emergency contact information.