Blank Space (medium)
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Blank Space (medium)
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(text and background only visible when logged in)
- Sudden decline in work/grades
- Repeated absences
- Disorganized performance
- Multiple requests for extensions
- Overly demanding of faculty’s or staff’s time and attention
- Bizarre content in writings or presentations
- You find yourself providing more personal than academic support
- Marked changes in physical appearance (e.g. grooming or hygiene deterioration, weight loss/gain)
- Excessive fatigue or sleep disturbance
- Intoxication, hangovers, or smelling of alcohol
- Disoriented or “out of it”
- Garbled, tangential, disconnected, or slurred speech
- Behavior is out of context or bizarre
- Delusions and paranoia
- Self-disclosure of personal distress (e.g. family or financial problems, grief, suicidal thoughts)
- Unusual/disproportionate emotional response to events
- Excessive tearfulness or panic reactions
- Irritability or unusual apathy
- Verbal abuse (e.g., taunting, badgering, intimidation)
- Concern from peers
Safety Risk
- Unprovoked anger or hostility
- Physical violence (e.g., shoving, grabbing, assault, use of weapons)
- Implying or making direct threat to harm self or others
- Academic assignments dominated by themes of extreme hopelessness, rage, worthlessness, isolation, despair, acting out, suicidal ideations/violent behaviors
- Stalking or harassing
- Communicating threats