Summer for fraternities and sororities across the country usually includes retreats, national convention gatherings, and the opportunity to award chapters for their work in the previous academic year.
The Office of the Arts at the Georgia Institute of Technology announces a new Arts@Tech Season celebrating the intersection of art and technology, along with a major renovation in the Ferst Center for the Arts and special “Fun and Free” campus programming
The Georgia Tech Counseling Center (GTCC) is very excited to announce some new initiatives that will improve the effectiveness of our services through the incorporation of technology.
Bradley sat down for an interview to share her enthusiasm for collaboration, her thoughts on technology-based options for mental health, and approaches for serving all students in need of support.
“Let’s Talk” is an outreach program designed to engage students by providing informal walk-in consultations with Georgia Tech Counseling Center (GTCC) counselors at sites across campus.
Dining, transportation, and many campus buildings will be closed or have limited hours during the fall break.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) at Georgia Tech hosted its 11th Annual Homecoming Stepshow.
Since 2005, the EthicsPoint reporting portal has enabled the Georgia Tech community to securely and anonymously file complaints related to ethics violations.
Students in the Collegiate Recovery Program are spreading the word about campus resources by brewing free coffee.
These are the mental health support services available everyday and specific to reading day 2018.