Last Friday the LBGTQIA Resource Center hosted the second annual Trans Day of Remembrance event at Georgia Tech.  Trans Day of Remembrance commemorates and honors transgender people who have lost their lives to violence through the past year.  So far in 2016, twenty-four transgender people have been killed in the US, and the majority of these were trans women of color. 

This year, the LGBTQIA Resource Center hosted a special walk-through exhibit for all members of the Georgia Tech community.

“Trans Day of Remembrance events typically center around a vigil to honor the trans people we've lost to violence, “said Aby Parsons, director of the LGBTQIA Resource Center. “This year, we wanted to provide a space for that commemoration to take place on Tech's campus, but also to galvanize our community into action. Everyone can play a part in creating classrooms, student organizations, workplaces, residence halls, athletics teams, and labs that are more inclusive and welcoming of transgender people.”

Participants were invited to:

  • Sit in quiet reflection in the vigil space where they learned about the trans people who have died this year
  • Move through the Information Station where they learned facts and stats about trans communities in the U.S. and information about the climate for trans students and employees at Tech
  • Visit our Action Station to learn practical tips for creating a more trans-inclusive environment in your classroom, residence hall, workplace, or student organization

“Sometimes it can be hard to know how to show your support, so this self-guided workshop equiped attendees with some important information about trans people at Tech and around the U.S., and then provide some practical action strategies for practicing trans allyship,” said Parsons.

Pledge cards from the exhibit are on display outside the LBGTQIA Resource Center for the remainder of the semester. The LBGTQIA Resource Center, part of the Division of Student Life and Institute Diversity is located in Room 138, Smithgall Student Services (Flag) Building.